About the Principles

Our Purpose Statement


The WEST Principles aim to maximize the impact of technology-driven efforts to identify and address the risk of abuse and exploitation of workers in global supply chains. By encouraging the adoption of a common set of guidelines, the Principles seek to ensure the use of technology will meaningfully affect workers’ lives. Initiated by a group of technology providers, the Principles seek to engage stakeholders at all levels of global supply chains to collectively develop a roadmap to operationalize their use.

The Challenge


As brands, manufacturers, and employers are becoming more aware of the urgent need to address worker exploitation in global supply chains, technology-driven efforts have emerged as a useful tool to connect with workers and address human rights abuses. But, the novelty of these solutions combined with the magnitude of the problem can result in poorly designed interventions that fall short of their promise. In order to prevent a race-to-the-bottom by technology providers and implementers, the WEST Principles seek to align all actors around a set of design and implementation guidelines that will ensure that technology is leveraged for good.

Our Areas of Focus


To ensure positive outcomes for workers, the WEST Principles will:



Establish guidelines to ensure technologies are inclusive, secure, and impactful for all workers



Mobilize industry leaders and influencers to leverage worker-centric solutions



Create an industry space for shared insights and learnings around worker engagement
See our strategic plan for more information.

Meet the Co-Authors


Convened by Humanity United and Laborlink by Good World Solutions, the authors of the WEST Principles also include GeoPoll, MicroBenefits, Ulula, and Labor Solutions. The Principles were collaboratively developed in consultation with stakeholders across supply chains including brands, employers, NGOs, industry leaders, and issue experts. The authors commit to uphold the WEST Principles and welcome stakeholder groups across supply chains to endorse them to signal their commitment.